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Prem Kumari Timalsina

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In the rugged hills of Rolpa, where survival itself is an achievement, a story of unimaginable grit and resilience quietly unfolds—the story of Prem Kumari Timalsina. Born 59 years ago into a household with four sisters and one brother, Prem Kumari grew up in a world where dreams were luxuries her family could not afford. Poverty kept her away from school and life quickly became her harshest teacher.

By the tender age of 10, she was thrust into the backbreaking labor of a brick factory. While other children played and learned, her small hands carried the weight of survival. Every brick she moved was a step further from her own childhood, but she bore the burden with silent strength. At 19, she married a fellow laborer, a man who shared the same struggles. Two years later, she became a mother—not once, but twice. At just 21, her world revolved around her babies, and her heart beat with a fierce determination to give them a life far different from her own.

For decades, Prem Kumari toiled in the relentless heat and unforgiving dust of construction sites. Day after day, she carried bricks—heavy, unyielding—from one place to another. Her muscles ached, her body weakened, but her spirit never wavered. Every drop of sweat, every aching bone was a prayer for her children’s future. She had a singular dream: to see her children educated and successful, to ensure they would never know the hardships she endured.

Her sacrifices were immeasurable. She spent her youth and her strength building the dreams of others while her own remained a distant whisper. Yet, she believed—she believed in education, in opportunity, in the power of relentless hope. She did not want her children to grow up uneducated like her, nor did she want them to bear the crushing weight of physical labor. She poured her hard-earned money, rupee by rupee, into their schooling, planting seeds of possibility with hands calloused by toil.

But time does not wait. Today, Prem Kumari feels the years in her bones. The strength that once seemed endless has begun to fade. The work she could do without faltering now leaves her breathless. Yet, in her heart, the fire of ambition still burns. She dreams of owning a small business, of creating a sustainable livelihood that does not demand the physical strength she no longer possesses. For Prem Kumari, retirement is not an option; as long as her body can move, she will keep pushing forward.

When hope flickered dimly, Samriddhi Foundation Nepal became a beacon of light. Moved by her unwavering determination and her story of sacrifice, the foundation provided her with seed money through its transformative project—”Freedom Fund for Women.” This initiative is more than just financial support; it is a movement to empower women, to break the chains of dependency, and to create a future where women stand strong and independent.

With this seed of possibility, Prem Kumari has started her own farming business. She now tends to a small herd of goats—a humble beginning, but one filled with promise. Her vision is clear; she will grow this venture, nurture it, and raise it to new heights. Her hands, once burdened with bricks, now carry the tools of new beginnings. Her spirit, unbreakable through decades of hardship, is now the force driving her toward prosperity.

Samriddhi Foundation Nepal stands proud to have been a part of her journey. Through the Freedom Fund for Women, we aim to fuel many more stories like hers—stories of strength, resilience, and transformation. Prem Kumari Timalsina’s journey is a testament to the boundless power of a mother’s love, the unshakable resolve of a determined woman, and the extraordinary beauty of dreams deferred but never forgotten.

To Prem Kumari, we say: Your story touches our hearts, inspires our souls, and reminds us that true strength lies not in muscle but in the courage to rise, again and again. May your future be as bright as your spirit, and may your hard-earned freedom bring you all the joy and success you so richly deserve.